If your Concept Letter is approved and you are invited to submit a full proposal to the Foundation by email at katy@mcmillenfoundationfortwayne.org:
- Brief history of the organization, including date founded, mission, current projects, and outcomes.
- Purpose and objective of project.
- Resulting benefit to community with measurable expected outcomes.
- Cost of the project and timeline for the project.
- Amount of request
- Amount of funds raised to date
- List of Officers and Directors of the organization
- Current detailed project budget
- Current detailed operating budget
- Two Statements from current Audit report: Statement of Financial Position and Statement of Cash Flow
- A 3-year detailed income and expense statement in following format:
- Account Name Yr1 Yr2 Yr3
- A 3-year detailed donor history in alpha order in the following format for donors giving $1,000 or more in any of the three years:
- Donor Name Yr1 Yr2 Yr3
- Donors may be sub-divided by type (foundation, company, government, individual, anonymous).
- Please remember to total by year.