If your Concept Letter is approved and you are invited to submit a full proposal to the Foundation by email at katy@mcmillenfoundationfortwayne.org:


  1. Brief history of the organization, including date founded, mission, current projects, and outcomes.
  2. Purpose and objective of project.
  3. Resulting benefit to community with measurable expected outcomes.
  4. Cost of the project and timeline for the project.
  5. Amount of request
  6. Amount of funds raised to date


  1. List of Officers and Directors of the organization
  2. Current detailed project budget
  3. Current detailed operating budget
  4. Two Statements from current Audit report: Statement of Financial Position and Statement of Cash Flow
  5. A 3-year detailed income and expense statement in following format:
    • Account Name Yr1 Yr2 Yr3
  6. A 3-year detailed donor history in alpha order in the following format for donors giving $1,000 or more in any of the three years:
    • Donor Name Yr1 Yr2 Yr3
    • Donors may be sub-divided by type (foundation, company, government, individual, anonymous).
    • Please remember to total by year.